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3 reasons to visit South America

If South America is on your bucket list, but you’ve not yet crossed it off, read on.

Wonderful wonders

What draws many to South America, are the countless and incredible natural and man-made wonders (many of which you won’t find anywhere else in the world); from Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil, to the salt flats of Bolivia, to the glaciers of Patagonia, to the volcanos and lakes of Chile and of course, we can’t forget the infamous Machu Picchu and Nazca lines in Peru. In every corner of the continent, you’ll find something wonderful. These alone warrant a trip to this incredible part of the world.

Practice your Spanish

What better way to practice your Spanish than to immerse yourself in the language! During the time I spent in South America, my Spanish improved 10-fold. Not only my vocabulary improved, but also my comprehension and the speed at which I could string a Spanish sentence together. Repetition (daily practice) and context (chatting with locals about real things) will bring your Spanish to life. Take every opportunity to practice, whether it be at your accommodation, in a restaurant or at the markets. The locals will appreciate your efforts, and not only will your language skills improve, but your experience will be richer.

Live in the moment

The Latin American culture is strong, and infectious. It doesn’t take long to creep merrily into your heart and soul. Let it. Despite the incredible sights of this far off land, my favourite thing about South America, was its ability to bring me back to the present, to remind me to live in the moment (something I’ll be the first to admit I’m rubbish at). Time in South America makes you question what’s ‘really important’ and forces you to stop worrying about the past, and the future, and just live, in that exact moment, whether you’re taking in the sights from atop an active volcano in Pucon, Chile or learning the tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its people are present, and engaging, they place importance on time with family and friends, and quite frankly, it’s refreshing and life changing. So go on, book that trip to South America, remember, there’s no time like the present…

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